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Please do not request manuals that are not on the website. Brand, Studer Revox. Type a, B215. Type b. Browse manuals in r/revox/revox-b/revox-b-215/. Read directly or download PDF. No login, no charge and no limit. Extracted text from Revox B 215 Service Manual 2 (Ocr-read). Page 1. néVox. B215. SERVICEANLEITUNG SERVICE INSFRUCFIONS INSTRUCHONS DE SERVICE. Page 2. Free download of your Revox B215 User Manual. Still need help after reading the user manual? Post your question in our forums. The Revox B215 also benefits from the technical superiority of the Revox B710. In addition to manual, fully automatic control and recording by means of
995, 394, 298, 485, 785.